Secure cold chain to your home - 97% delivery reliability

Guaranteed cold chain

We guarantee that you will receive your meat in good condition. Only 3% of our parcels do not arrive as they should and then we send the meat again.

We send all meat frozen (below -18ºC). By the time it reaches you, the temperature is usually around -2ºC. In some cases, the meat may have thawed slightly at the edges, but there is no danger to the quality and it is definitely not a health risk.

Perhaps formally, we guarantee that your meat will never reach a temperature above 4ºC during shipping. However, it is very rare that the meat has thawed during the journey. If you are ultimately not satisfied with the temperature of your game meat when it arrives, please contact us and we will resolve it in the best possible way.

Environmentally friendly packaging

Environmentally friendly shipping is very important to us. We never use Styrofoam, EPS or similar environmentally unfriendly packaging materials. Our packaging is always recyclable, biodegradable and/or reusable.

The meat is packed in a biodegradable bag together with frozen cooling tabs. These cooling tabs ensure that the meat stays at the right temperature while travelling to you. You can reuse the cooling tabs many times over. If you decide to throw them away, do so as they are with other waste. Do not pour the contents down the sink.

We use sheep wool or paper pulp as insulation. These natural insulations ensure that the meat stays at the right temperature during transport. Sheep wool is 100% biodegradable and you can put it on the compost (but take it out of the thin plastic cover first) or reuse it for different purposes. The cardboard bag and box are made from 100% recycled paper and can be disposed of in paper recycling.